Thursday, April 01, 2010

6 Months Old - Happy 1/2 Birthday!

My how things have changed in six months.

Six months ago today (26 weeks exactly) I left the house knowing that in just a few short hours I was going to be given the greatest gift I could imagine. I was going in for a scheduled c-section (a story for another day) and we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl. I would love to describe how I felt on the drive to the hospital but it's just a blurry jumble. There was anticipation, excitement, nervousness, being scared shitless... You name it and I think I felt it. And at 8:48 that morning I was blessed with a healthy 8lb 4oz baby boy (who remained nameless for the next 48 hours).

Fast forward six months and I'm amazed with everything about him. How he has changed and really become his own little person. And all that he has accomplished - it is truly amazing how much we accomplish during the first year of life. In the beginning it was all about getting him to breastfeed and boy what a struggle that was, but once that was worked out (five long weeks and a frenectomy later) he was off and running. His first real smile, his first belly laugh, reaching out to grasp objects, mastering head control, cooing, rolling from belly to back (which first happened away from me at daycare - so sad), the first time I saw him rolling from belly to back, sleeping through the night and now the latest of tasting food for the first time and starting to sit on his own... And through it all getting to see his personality start to form and shine -- it's just fantastic. Especially seeing traits that come from me, traits from his dad and traits that are all his own.

Oh Lord. I'm gushing. I'm really not the gushing type. And not all of it was rosy. Fussy Gus and I have had/have our moments, but I'm choosing to have selective memory when it comes to that. And then there are the times that no parent looks forward to. Times when your child is sick and nothing you do makes them feel better or when they have to get a shot at the doctor's. All and all it's been a wild ride and I have a feeling that the next 6 months will be just as crazy. I can't wait!

Happy 1/2 Birthday little man!


Alissa said...

Aw! Happy 6 month day!! How exciting :)

Joanna said...

Awww, happy 1/2 birthday! I am always so amazed at people who don't find out the sex, what an awesome surprise- I could have never waited.

You should post about your scheduled c-section/birth story!