Saturday, March 20, 2010

At last! Spring is here!

As winters in Boston go, this one wasn't that bad. We had snow, but not ridiculous amounts like other parts of the country -- hell, other parts of the Northeast! And it was cold, but not as brutally cold has it has been in recent winters. All and all we got lucky, but nonetheless I'm I'm still glad to see it go.

So goodbye winter and let's give a warm welcome to spring! My little man has been cooped up inside the house for too long - his entire life really. It's time to take him for long walks with Wonder Mutt, point out the birds, chipmunks, rabbits, squirrels (no matter how much his father hates them -- more on that another day) and other animals that scamper by our house and let him enjoy the fresh air. And what better day to do this than the first day of spring.

Today our little family went to the neighboring town's forest for a bit of a walk/hike. This is certainly not Mr. Tall Guys cup of tea, but he suggested it to make up for the long hours he's been working. He carried Fussy Gus in the Baby Bjorn and its an area where Wonder Mutt is allowed to run around sans lease. For two hours it was just the four of us no cell phones, no laptops, no television. It was fantastic. A great way to kickoff spring!

And speaking of kickoff, notice the fancy new look of the blog?!?! I'm loving it!

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